John Chidley A blog about reading, writing, pop culture and sports.


Allow me to re-introduce myself…

Hello and welcome to John Chidley!

As you can see in several other places on this website, I’m a sports journalist living in Toronto, Ontario and I love reading, writing, and basically everything else that pop culture has to offer. I'll be using this blog to write about all those things, particularly sports.

But why spend time every weekday to write 400+ words? Check the bullet points:

  • First of all, it’s important to write every day. Just like a baseball player getting in batting practice, it’s good for me to work on my swing, whether it’s laying down bunts or jacking dingers. It keeps my work sharp and will make me a better writer.
  • Also, there are many, many things that I’d like to write about that really aren’t saleable. Either their relevance is too fleeting, I’m not experienced enough to handle such a large story, or it’s something that only interests me. Trust me, no one wants to buy a 600-word feature story on why I love Booster Gold. (And if you do, you can contact me at jhm [dot] chidley [dot] hill [at]!)
  • Finally, this will be my home base as my career develops. As my portfolio grows, I’ll provide links or other information on where my writing can be found.

Anyway, enough of this introduction. Time to get down to business.

I hope you enjoy this site. I know I will.

-          John